Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And so another season-long battle has begun!

Bindweed!  It's one huge organism winding through the soil and throughout the beds.  When it surfaces above ground, it wraps its spindly tentacles around any plant that comes into contact with it.  I don't know of any safe way to eradicate bindweed without harming other plants.  Therefore, I pick, pull and unravel bindweed from my ornamentals and shrubs all season long.

Due to the unusually wet, rainy weather this year many never-before-seen garden invaders have introduced themselves.  It's going to take several days to completely clean out our beds. The only way I'm going to make any progress is to don my slicker and pull weeds in the rain and mud.

Take a look at the monster below. This isn't bindweed, or any of the other usual suspects, but some new garden antagonist that came along only to harass me.


  1. Aw, Griffin! Cute tribute to one of my favorite dogs ever. And damn all the weeds this rain is bringing! Oh, and damn the rain, too!

  2. My sister offered a great Facebook response to this post: "Bindweed is also known as DEVILS WEED...baum baum baum BAUM... Its roots can travel 12' below surface and it is impossible to eradicate. However, you can spray a mix of vinegar and water on it without harming other plants. It will wilt almost immediately and release its bind making it easier to clear it out of your beds."
